The revolution started with an economic problem and an enlightened monarchy which was overburdened and taxed its citizens.
The motivations behind these actions that seek to build a sense of identity of the group, strengthen its cohesion groups or legitimately legitimize the rule of a particular institution or individual as well as the central messages that aim to achieve these objectives can be studied in a broad theoretical framework and through the analysis of relevant instances. Europe has been for a long time an important source of cultural, political, as well as economic power. These two contributions are both of interest to us. The influence of the countries extends over the entire continent and has reached every part of the Earth. Regarding the latter web, it could be a good way to make significant works known, and also for works that fall under the area of Creation of Historical Culture forming part of the previously mentioned UB Master’s Degree program. Europe is not just known for its wars and revolutions as well as its socio-cultural shifts, such as the Renaissance and The Protestant Reformation, and colonialism.
When this online portal focused on the research of the history of culture I am sincerely hoping that it will be a good platform in which the research that scholars from all over the world have been writing for many years get a wide distribution. The consequences of these changes are still to be observed in the world of today. I am hoping that it encourages fresh reflections and contributions and will also be an open space that those of us who feel strongly about this subject can get together and discuss different aspects of historical research. The Renaissance. Since history isn’t and should not be considered an end-of-the-line document it is a dynamic time dimension that continues to shape and shape the current and future developments of our world society. The Renaissance was a social and socio-political revolution that took place between the 16th and 15th century. Dr.
It emphasized the rediscovery of ideas and texts that were derived from the classical antiquity. Fernando Sanchez-Marcos (2009) The movement began in the course of several centuries, when the political and class structure of the medieval Europe began to fall apart. (Professor Emeritus in Early Modern History at the Universitat de Barcelona. The Renaissance began in Italy but quickly spread to the entirety of Europe. Founder and Director of It was the time that was the time of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.
Translation into English from Spanish version from Philip Banks]. The Renaissance saw revolutionary changes in science, thinking, and art, and also the exploration of the world. ENDNOTES. It was the time of Renaissance. (1). Renaissance was a time of cultural revival that impacted all of Europe. In the collection of work of Jorn Rusen, is the one that is titled "Was ist Geschichtskultur?. Colonialism as well as Imperialism.
Uberlegungen zu einer neuen Art, uber Geschichte nachzudenken", in K. Europeans have conquered, settled and ruled over a large portion of the earth’s land mass. Fussmann / H. These effects from foreign empires continue to be felt in the present. T. The majority of historians agree that the expansion of Europe’s colonial power was a gradual process. Grutter/ J. The 15th century witnessed beginning the first colonization of the Americas and continued into the late 19th century. Rusen (Hg./Eds. ): Historische Faszination. In the meantime, European countries like the English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and others European nations were exploring and colonizing Africa, India, Asia and the continent that would later become Australia. Geschichtskultur heute . These empires did more than just govern entities over foreign lands.
Cologne 1994, 326-36 This book is particularly important. They also influenced the realm of religion and culture and left a trace of European influence across the globe. Maria Grever’s idea for Historical Culture can be found in, among others, presentations at the Center for Historical Culture at the University of Rotterdam, which she has advocated for. The Reformation. Bernd Schonnemann has considered genealogy and the meaning of this concept in articles such as: "Geschichtsdidaktik, Geschichtskultur, Geschichtswissenschaft," in Hilke Gunther-Arndt (ed. ): Geschichtsdidaktik.
The Reformation was a rift within the Latin Christian church during the 16th century. Praxishandbuch Fur Die Sekundarstufe I Und II . It brought Protestantism into the wider world and led to an important division that continues until today. Berlin, Cornelsen Verlag, 2003, 11-22. The story began with Germany in 1517, with the principles that were espoused by Martin Luther. Though with a much more narrow meaning the term c.ulture historique was utilized by the scholar into historical historiography of the Middle Ages Bernard Guenee in 1980 in his significant work Histoire and Culture historique in the Occidental medieval. His sermons appealed to people who were dissatisfied with the Catholic Church’s excessive influence.
Paris, 1980. The time was not too long before the Reformation was sweeping across Europe. (2). The Protestant Reformation was both a political and spiritual revolution that resulted in a variety Reform churches. Assmann, Jan: Das kulturelle Gedachtnis. It shaped the modern state of religion and government and the way they interact. Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identitat in fruhen Hochkulturen . The Enlightenment. Munich, Beck, 1992 (6th ed., 2007).
The Enlightenment was an intellectual and cultural revolution that took place between both the 18th and 17th century. Assmmann, Aleida: Erinnerungsraume. The most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment believed in the importance of rationality over blind faith and superstition. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedachtnisses .Munich, 1999 (3rd ed, 2006).
The movement was sparked through the years by a small group of educated authors and philosophers. The phrase Erinnerungsraume (spaces of memories or of memory) is the title of the monumental work that came out a few years prior with the guidance by Pierre Nora, Les lieux de memoire, Paris, 1984-1992. The ideas of men such as Hobbes, Locke, and Voltaire resulted in innovative methods of looking at government, society, as well as education, which would alter the way we think about things. (3). The work of Newton changed the course of "natural philosophical thought." A lot of them were criticized for their innovative methods of thinking. Cf. Their influence, though, is indisputable.
Bodnar, John: Remaking America. The French Revolution. Public Memory commemoration, Commemoration and Patriotism throughout the Twentieth Century . The French Revolution, which began in 1789, impacted all aspects of France and the majority of Europe. Princeton University Press, 1994 (p.
13. It is often described as the beginning of the modern age. (4). The revolution started with an economic problem and an enlightened monarchy which was overburdened and taxed its citizens essays. The need to expand the boundaries of the field of historiography was discussed to be a necessity by G. The first revolt was only an initial stage in the chaos to engulf France as well as challenge each custom and customs of the monarchy. Iggers in "Como write my book about historiography from the siglo XX" published in Pedralbes. In the final analysis in the end, it was clear that the French Revolution was not without its effects. Revista d’Historia Moderna 21, p. 11-26.
The most notable of them is the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802. This broadening of horizons which makes historiography more connected to cultural history and perspectives, has been expressed in a new book called An Global History of Modern Historiography , Harlow 2009, written by G. He would plunge all of Europe into conflict and, as a result, redefine the continent for ever. Iggers and Q. The Industrial Revolution.
Edward Wang (with contributions by Supriya Mukherjee). The second part in the 1800s witnessed technological and scientific advancements that would fundamentally alter the world. (5). First, the "industrial revolution" started around 1760 and ended around the 1840s. Assmann, A.: Der lange Schatten del Verganhenheit, 2006, p. 51; Catroga, F.: Memoria, historia e historiografia , Coimbra, 2001, p. 63-64. In this period, factories and mechanization changed the way that economics was conducted and society. The same philosophy is evident in the work of Philippe Joutard, "Memoria e historiography: how to overcome the conflict?", in Historia, Antropologia y Fuente Oral , I, 38, 120-122.
Additionally, urbanization and industrialization altered physically and mentally landscape. In my opinion I’ve proposed an idea in which "science-history" along with "memory-history" should work in harmony and balance in "Memory-History and. It was the time when iron and coal took over industries and started to modernize the production system.
Science-History? The Attractiveness and Dangers of an Historical Trend," Storia della Storiografia , 48, 128-129. Also, it witnessed the advent of steam power , which revolutionized transportation. (6). This resulted in a massive increase in population and an expansion like the world has never witnessed before. Morris-Suzuki, T.: The Past in us. It was the Russian Revolutions. Historical, Memory and Media . Workers of the Putilov Strike on the first day of March Revolution, St Petersburg, Russia, 1917.
London, 2005. Artist: Anon. (7). Getty Images/Habitat Images/Getty Images. The importance of the communication view to have a clear understanding of the mechanisms behind collective memory and cultural history has been emphasized by Wulf Kansteiner specifically: "Finding Meaning in Memory: A methodological Critique of Collective Memory Studies", in History and Theory, May 2002, the page.
175-197. Two revolutions in 1917 erupted in Russia. Kansteiner proposes using theory-based classifications and the study of communicative action in order to better understand the social memory process effectively.